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Last updated: September 12, 2024

What is the Truthfulness Score in AI Responses?

The Truthfulness Score helps measure how closely an AI-generated response matches the original data provided by your business.

What Does the Truthfulness Score Mean?

The Truthfulness Score is a number between 0 and 1 that indicates how much the AI's response uses the exact words and phrases from the information imported into the system. This score gives you an understanding of how faithfully the AI is using your data.

  • Score of 1: A perfect match, meaning the AI’s response uses the exact wording from your data sources.
  • Score of 0: No match, meaning none of the words in the AI’s response come from your imported data.
  • Scores between 0 and 1: Partial matches, where the AI may have creatively structured the response using the same data but not the exact wording.

Why is the Truthfulness Score Important?

The Truthfulness Score helps ensure that the AI is using your content correctly. A high score means the AI is closely sticking to the facts and data you’ve provided, which can be crucial for industries where accuracy is important, such as healthcare, legal services, or technical support.

A lower score may suggest the AI is generating a more creative or paraphrased response, which can sometimes be useful for conversational flow but might not always be ideal in scenarios where precise information is critical.

How Can You Use the Truthfulness Score?

By monitoring the Truthfulness Score, you can ensure your AI is providing the most accurate responses possible. If you notice low scores consistently, it might be a sign that your data needs to be adjusted or expanded to better align with the kinds of questions your customers are asking.

The Truthfulness Score is a powerful tool that lets you keep an eye on the reliability of the AI’s answers, making sure your customers are receiving correct and relevant information every time they interact with your AI chatbot.

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