Scale customer reach and grow sales with AskHandle chatbot
Last updated: June 15, 2024

How to install AskHandle on a Wordpress website?

There are a few ways to install AskHandle on your WordPress website. The simplest and fastest method is by using a Wordpress plugin.

Step 1, Install the Plugin

install plugin

Go to the Plugins section in your Wordpress dashboard. Click Add New Plugin button.

Search footer injection in the plugin search bar and you will see a few results. You can choose one plugin you prefer. In this tutorial, we chose the "Head and Footer Scripts Inserter" plugin. This plugin facilitates adding AskHandle to every page of your website. Click Install Now and then activate it after installation.

Step 2, Use the Plugin to install AskHandle

install chat box

To install AskHandle, you'll need to adjust the settings of the recently installed Head and Footer Scripts Inserter plugin.

Click on the Plugins option in the dashboard menu and locate the Head and Footer Scripts Inserter plugin. Then, click on Settings.

On the following screen, paste the installation code in the BEFORE THE </BODY> CLOSING TAG (FOOTER). Click the blue Save Changes button to apply the script to the plugin and your site.

And you're done!

Now, you can find the AskHandle chat box on your website.

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