Scale customer reach and grow sales with AskHandle chatbot
Last updated: May 15, 2024

How to Fine-Tune AskHandle AI Response?

Creating custom responses for your chatbot on the AskHandle dashboard is straightforward. The way your chatbot interacts with your customers largely depends on the content you provide and its structure. This process of training and setting up the chatbot is termed the "Fine-Tuning" phase. Essentially, it's about teaching the chatbot to provide specific information and communicate in your typical style.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Go to Command Center

Log in to your AskHandle user account and go to Command Center.

2. Select the Data Source Mode

Start by choosing your preferred Data Source mode. We provide four options:

  • General Data Mode
  • Your Own Data Mode
  • Combined Data Mode
  • Image Generator

If you're uncertain about which mode to pick, refer to our tutorial.

3. Add a Data Source

Create chatbot answers

After selecting the Data Source Mode, click the "Add Data Source" button to begin fine-tuning your chatbot. We offer three methods to input your training material:

  • Document: Upload text files, DOCX, PDFs, or .TXT files using the "Choose File" button or by dragging and dropping your files. Note: Only one file can be uploaded per Data Source. If you'd like the chatbot to learn from multiple documents, create separate Data Sources for each.

  • Plain Text: Input text directly, whether by pasting it in the plain text field or simply by writing text in the plain text field. The chatbot will internalize and respond based on this input when customers pose related queries.

  • URL: Direct the chatbot to a webpage for learning. If you specify a URL, the chatbot will scan and learn its content. However, be cautious: many websites, especially major ones like Instagram or StackOverflow, restrict chatbots from accessing and utilizing their content. This method is best suited for webpages you manage or have clear, unrestricted content.

4. Save the Data Source

After adding your materials, click the "Save Data Source" button.

5. Monitor the Processing Status

Post saving, you'll notice a status indicator. Initially, it will display UNPROCESSED, indicating your chatbot is assimilating the provided materials. This phase typically lasts between 10 and 20 seconds, though it may vary based on the volume of content. After 10-20 seconds have passed, simply refresh the page.

Once the chatbot completes its learning, the status will update to PROCESSED, indicating your chatbot ready to assist.

For more help articles regarding AskHandle's recognition optimization, data cleaning, and other topics, check out these resources:

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