Fraport AG Loyalty and Rewards Program: Elevating Your Travel Experience
Fraport AG, a prominent airport operator, offers a loyalty and rewards program designed to enhance your travel experience. Whether you travel frequently or occasionally, this program provides exclusive perks tailored for you.
Joining the Fraport AG Loyalty Program
Joining the Fraport AG Loyalty Program is simple and free. As a registered member, you gain access to a variety of benefits and personalized services to make your journey enjoyable.
To sign up, visit the Fraport AG website or download their mobile app. Provide basic details such as your name, email address, and contact information to start your exceptional travel journey.
Earning Loyalty Points
You can earn loyalty points with each transaction at a Fraport AG airport. This includes booking flights with partner airlines and shopping at various airport retail outlets.
Here’s how you can accumulate loyalty points:
Flight Bookings: Earn points when booking flights through partner airlines. Points depend on the distance traveled and the airline used.
Retail Purchases: Earn points for shopping at stores in Fraport AG airports. The more you shop, the more points you accumulate.
Dining and Hospitality: Enjoy meals at restaurants and cafes within the airports. You earn loyalty points each time you dine.
Parking: Use designated parking facilities at Fraport AG airports to earn loyalty points for your parked vehicle.
Redeeming Your Loyalty Points
Redeeming your loyalty points is straightforward. Fraport AG provides multiple options to enjoy your rewards.
Here are some ways to redeem your loyalty points:
Flight Upgrades: Use your points for an upgrade to a more luxurious travel class with premium services.
Airport Lounge Access: Redeem points for access to exclusive airport lounges. Relax with complimentary refreshments and facilities before your flight.
Retail Vouchers: Exchange points for retail vouchers redeemable at stores within Fraport AG airports. Enjoy shopping at a range of boutique brands.
Charitable Donations: Contribute to charitable organizations by redeeming your loyalty points and making a meaningful impact.
The Fraport AG Loyalty and Rewards Program enhances your travel experience by rewarding your loyalty. Earn points through flights, shopping, and dining, and enjoy benefits such as flight upgrades, lounge access, retail vouchers, and charitable options.
Sign up today to access exclusive benefits and personalized services that make each journey more enjoyable with Fraport AG.