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The Fascinating Story Behind the Movie "The Founder"

Have you ever wondered if movies about real-life events need the approval of the people involved? Here’s a closer look at the case of the movie "The Founder."

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Published onNovember 21, 2024
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The Fascinating Story Behind the Movie "The Founder"

Have you ever wondered if movies about real-life events need the approval of the people involved? Here’s a closer look at the case of the movie "The Founder."

"The Founder" tells the story of Ray Kroc, the man behind the global fast-food giant McDonald's. Interestingly, McDonald's did not need to approve the movie before it was made. The company had no say in the making or release of this film.

Filmmakers are generally not required to seek approval from the subjects of their movies. They have the creative freedom to interpret stories in their own way. In "The Founder," director John Lee Hancock and screenwriter Robert D. Siegel researched extensively and based their script on real-life accounts and historical events.

While McDonald's could not influence the creative process, they did release a statement clarifying certain aspects portrayed in the movie. The company noted that "The Founder" was a dramatized version of events and should be viewed as entertainment, rather than a historically accurate depiction.

There have been instances where companies or individuals have taken legal action against filmmakers for misrepresentation or unauthorized use of intellectual property. In the case of "The Founder," McDonald's accepted the movie's existence without trying to intervene in its production.

"The Founder" does not fall under the category of documentaries but offers a creative perspective on the compelling story of McDonald's and Ray Kroc. It presents an intriguing narrative that highlights the company's early days and the challenges faced by its founder.

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