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Embrace the Spring with Giggles: 10 Hilarious Quotes

Sleepy flowers are rubbing their eyes open, animals are ceasing their seasonal slumbers, and the sun is putting in some serious overtime. Ah yes, it's clear, spring has sprang! As we shed our layers and say a warm "hello" to this vibrant season, let’s bring a dash of humor to our fresh start with 10 funny quotes about spring:

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Published onAugust 22, 2024
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Embrace the Spring with Giggles: 10 Hilarious Quotes

Sleepy flowers are rubbing their eyes open, animals are ceasing their seasonal slumbers, and the sun is putting in some serious overtime. Ah yes, it's clear, spring has sprang! As we shed our layers and say a warm "hello" to this vibrant season, let’s bring a dash of humor to our fresh start with 10 funny quotes about spring:

  1. “Spring is nature’s way of saying, 'Let’s party!'” – Robin Williams The late, great Robin Williams nailed it. If Mother Nature had a social media account, springtime would be when she spams our feeds with party selfies, surrounded by blooming flowers and blossoming trees. It's the ultimate seasonal shindig and all the critters and plants are surely vibing to the same tune.

  2. “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.” – Henry Van Dyke Henry Van Dyke has a point sharper than a thorn on a rose bush. You might circle a date on the calendar to welcome spring, but it takes time for the memo to reach the weather Gods. They can be notorious procrastinators, making us wear our winter jackets while we optimistically hold Easter eggs and allergy meds.

  3. “Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush.” – Doug Larson Doug Larson understands the springtime spirit with a giggle-worthy accuracy. Even if our socks are soggier than a teabag left in the mug too long, we're just too darn excited about the longer days and budding flowers to care. Spring calls for an all-natural rendition of "Singing in the Rain"—or more accurately, "Whistling in the Wet Shoes".

  4. “In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” – Mark Twain Mark Twain, the maestro of wit, might've been a secret weatherman. The unpredictability of spring weather can be the source of equal parts awe and irritation. Sun, rain, a surprise snowstorm all in one day? Spring is like Mother Nature's mood swings turned into a weather forecast.

  5. “Spring is when life’s alive in everything.” – Christina Rossetti Oh, Christina Rossetti, isn't that just the whimsical truth? Except maybe she left out the part where 'everything' includes your neighbor's overly enthusiastic lawn mower at 7 AM on a Saturday and the legions of bugs that suddenly think your home is their Airbnb.

  6. "An optimist is the human personification of spring." – Susan J. Bissonette Susan J. Bissonette had the right idea connecting optimists to spring. They're both brimming with hope and promise. But let's not forget, both can also lead you to underestimate that chilly breeze and overestimate how much you enjoy spring cleaning.

  7. “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” – Leo Tolstoy Leo Tolstoy, the literary giant, probably had grander things in mind, but let's face it, our "projects" often entail trying to remember where we stored our lighter jackets and discovering the Easter candy we hid from ourselves last year.

  8. “Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring.” – Lilly Pulitzer Fashion icon Lilly Pulitzer knew the power of positive thinking and, apparently, weather denial. Regardless of the flurries outside, it's all sunshine and daisies in our hearts. Pop on your floral print and strut forward; winter didn't get the hint, but you've moved on!

  9. “Spring cleaning is a great idea. Just not during my spring break.” – Unknown The anonymous sage who dropped this kernel of truth must've known the agony of adulting. Spring cleaning? Sure, we'll get right on that... right after this nap. And maybe after another nap. Actually, how about next spring?

  10. “I suppose the best kind of spring morning is the best weather God has to offer.” – Dodie Smith British novelist Dodie Smith wraps up our list with a sentiment that's both beautiful and layered with humor when you truly think about it. God's best weather? On some spring mornings that might just mean the heavens have paused their watering can for a moment.

As we embrace the unpredictable, often comical moments of spring, it’s important to carry with us a sense of humor as refreshing as the season itself. Whether your spring involves dancing in the rain, laughing in the face of a rogue snowflake, or just enjoying the blossoming chaos, a good chuckle can be as nourishing as the April showers that bring those famous May flowers.

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