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Unveiling Potential: Questions for a 90-Day New Employee Performance Review

Welcome to the pivotal moment of reflection – the 90-day performance review. This time period is like the unveiling of a new masterpiece; slowly but surely, the canvas of this new employee is being painted with the colors of their skills, attitude, and work ethic. It's the time when you get to step back, admire the emerging picture, and decide which strokes need more refinement.

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Published onAugust 22, 2024
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Unveiling Potential: Questions for a 90-Day New Employee Performance Review

Welcome to the pivotal moment of reflection – the 90-day performance review. This time period is like the unveiling of a new masterpiece; slowly but surely, the canvas of this new employee is being painted with the colors of their skills, attitude, and work ethic. It's the time when you get to step back, admire the emerging picture, and decide which strokes need more refinement.

So, let's get into the nuts and bolts of crafting the ideal set of questions for this crucial review.

Understanding the Journey: Onboarding and Integration

A new hire's first few months are about adaptation and learning. Questions in this category are meant to probe how well the employee has settled into their new role.

  • Can you describe how the onboarding process has assisted you in your role? Exploring their onboarding experience can shed light on how effectively your company prepares newcomers.

  • Do you feel adequately supported to perform your tasks? It's key to identify if they have the necessary resources and support systems.

  • What challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them? This question will highlight their problem-solving abilities and need for further training or guidance.

Performance and Progress: The Nitty-Gritty

At this stage, you want to understand the tangible contributions your recruit has made.

  • What achievements are you most proud of so far? This reflects self-awareness and an ability to assess their own impact.

  • How do you prioritize your work, and are there any improvements you could make? Insight into their time management will come to light here.

  • Can you give examples of how you've contributed to team goals? Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say. You're looking for signs of collaboration and communal success.

Adapting to Culture: The Spice of Work Life

Every workplace has its own unique flavor – its culture. How well an employee blends in can be telling of their longevity with the company.

  • How would you describe our company culture based on your experience? Understanding their perception can also be a mirror to your culture's strengths and areas for improvement.

  • In what ways do you feel you've contributed to our culture? Look for examples of initiative and cultural involvement.

Goals and Growth: Looking Ahead with Ambition

Ambition and a desire for growth often underscore a promising future with the company.

  • Where do you see yourself growing within the company? Eagerness to progress can translate into long-term value for your team.

  • Are there skills or knowledge you want to develop to enhance your performance? This could open a dialogue about future training and development opportunities.

  • How do you believe you can contribute to the company's success in the long run? You're seeking a visionary perspective - they should see beyond the horizon of their current role.

Feedback Loop: The Two-Way Street

A review isn't just about the employee's performance; it's also an opportunity for them to give feedback.

  • How can the management support you better moving forward? You want to show that you're listening and willing to make changes to support them.

  • Do you have any feedback about our current projects or processes? This could uncover valuable insights from a fresh perspective.

Wrapping Up with the Big Picture

Finally, zoom out to the big picture to show your new employee that they're seen as a key piece of the greater puzzle.

  • How do you see your role evolving in the context of our company's future plans? Connect their aspirations with the trajectory of the business.

The 90-day performance review is a launching pad for future success, providing a clear understanding of where your new hire stands and where they aim to go. It’s about more than just evaluation; it's about building a relationship that fosters growth, loyalty, and shared ambition.

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